Youth Ministries

Transform Youth


Mondays 7.15-8.45pm @ PCF

during the school term

Do you want your life to be transformed??

If you’re 12yrs+ then come 

to Transform Youth! 

Come along on Mondays 7.15-8.45pm to the PCF Youth Hall during the school term for Bible study, games, friendship & food!  

Our Monday night activities vary throughout the term. They include studying the Word of God together, social nights or prepping items for our youth led Sundays.  Our end of term always finishes with a special event or activity.

We'd love to to join us 

on Monday nights!

Find Transform Youth on Instagram

For more info contact our church office

Our Youth Led Sundays are a chance for PCF's children and youth to serve their church family and be involved in all the Sunday ministries - from greeting at the door through to leading worship, running the AV/sound desk to sharing from the Word from the front, playing and instrument or serving during morning tea. Front of house to behind the scenes, there's a ministry role for all of our children and youth at our annual Youth Led Sunday.  Come along to support, encourage and be blessed by the next generation of believers at PCF.